No Rain, No Rainbows

"What If I Can't Do It?" Four Steps to Facing Your Fears

"What If I Can't Do It?" Four Steps to Facing...

Oct 10, 2018

Our relationship with fear is ongoing. It will never completely leave us nor should it — it serves us well at crucial times. But if it shows up just when you are about to grow, build or create, it is the right time to take a hard look at it and ask, “Really, here again?”
Five Ways to Make Sunday a Fun-day

Five Ways to Make Sunday a Fun-day

Sep 30, 2018

Self-care is about far more than eating healthy, meditating and exercising regularly. It’s about doing things for yourself that add to joy to your life. So in the name of adding more JOY to your life, I suggest we truly proclaim Sunday to be  our day to follow our fancies, uncover our curiosities, create our dreams.

A Letter to My Daughter on Her 2nd Birthday

A Letter to My Daughter on Her 2nd Birthday

Sep 21, 2018

Birthdays are a celebration of life and the true miracle it is to be here on this planet. Instead of just the usual gifts, I decided to write a letter to my daughter every year, passing on things I hope for her and want her to know. This is my inaugural annual birthday letter to her.