No Rain, No Rainbows

We All Need This

We All Need This

Sep 26, 2022

As challenges come up, instead of feeling like you have to tackle it all on your own, reach out to your community. We all benefit when you ask for help. It gives us a chance to be there for you, to share our experience and gifts with you. Asking for help deepens our connection to one another and reminds us all how much we need each other and that we are stronger together.
An Invitation to Follow Your Inner Light

An Invitation to Follow Your Inner Light

Sep 19, 2022

Going through hard things has taught me to focus on what really matters vs what other people think should matter. Sometimes that line can get blurry. We think we want what other people want. But when we attempt to achieve/get it, and then succeed, we often find it isn’t what we wanted at all.